You would like to take (further) stepstowards a more ecological lifestyle, but you don't find anynew inspirationor you have onepush in the backnecessary?
During this online workshop you will get a lotinspiration, information and fun challengesto through your lifestyle apositive impactto make. Or you nowjust startingwith a sustainable lifestyle, orsteps alreadymove, there is a lot to discover for everyone as a sustainable lifestyle is personal.
Weeklywe travel toan other worldof an ecological lifestyle: food and kitchen, the wardrobe, natural care and the bathroom, and finally creative innovation (4 modules). In addition, I have passionate change makers dieexpertare trained in their profession so that you can learn from the best.
Test and deepenyour knowledge en meettoday's sustainable 'changemakers'. Ready to make an even bigger positive impact?
Hello! I'm Emily.
I am an eco guide and founder of Eco Tours Mixua.
My mission is to help you get inspired and have fun while take steps towards a more ecological lifestyle. Join me in this fun online workshop!contact mein case of any question.
What do you get?
4 modules of +/- 25 minutes full of tips & tricks, video interviews with experts and challenges to (continue to) take action. Every week we travel to a different ecological world. Scroll down for more details.
Weekly challenge: every week you get a new challenge. Challenge yourself and get started!
Ask all your questionsthrough a closed forum.
Your investment in lifelong knowledgeand unique experience is only €8 per module.

Jocelyn G.
Super interesting tips & tricks and stories from sustainable entrepreneurs. Very Inspiring.

Tine VH
Emilia makes it a very interesting and pleasant experience with lots of inspiration to take with you. Recommended!

Lut M.
I really liked it: lots of useful information from the “insiders” themselves, attention to the “why”, presented in a fun way (dialogue, interaction) and the challenges to get started immediately!_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Content 4 modules
Power supply:One of the most impactful changes to be more ecological living is eating more plant-based food. What is the impact of livestock farming? How do you get the kids or partner? What should you pay attention to? Where do you find inspiration? EVA vzwis one of the most thriving and fastest growing vegetarian organizations in Europe and is happy to help you with this.
fair fashion:It's not easy to know if clothes are on oneecological and fair tradeway are made. Soraya, designer ofstudio AMA, givesher tipsalong. This changemaker from Ghent is rethinking the fashion industry and makes unique garments from residual waste from the local textile industry.
Care:Our skin is our largest organ and absorbs what we put on it. However, ohm the ingredient list of care products, we almost need a Master's degree in chemistry. Discover oa tips to the ingredient listquickly understand, with which ingredients we have to attention and whyown productsmaking is more sustainable than the supermarket brands. Herbalist Marion vanMarion Makestakes you into the world of herbs, plants and DIY.
Urban farming: Microgreensare on the rise. What used to be just a pretty decoration on chefs' plates is now a highly sought-after superfood. Ghent city farmPachaGreens, nominated for the newB award for innovative newcomer in agriculture, grows honest and delicious microvegetables according to the principles of sustainability.Why are microgreens superfoods? In what ways can you prepare these? How can you grow it yourself?