Would you like to take (further) stepstowards a more ecological lifestyle, but you cannot findfresh inspirationor you needa gentle push forward?
In thismonthly journeyyou will be given lots ofinspiration, information and fun challengesto help you take your ecological lifestyleto a next level.
Every week you travel with eco guideEmilia Cantero to adifferent worldof an ecological lifestyle: food and kitchen, the wardrobe, natural care and the bathroom, and urban innovation (4 modules). On top of this, you meet passionatechange makerswho areexpertsin each field so you can learn from the best.
Challenge and deepen your knowledge at your own pace, meet today's sustainable heroes and share this experience with new eco-buddies.Ready to make an even bigger positive impact?
What do you receive?
4 modules or +/- 25 minutesfilled with tips & tricks, video interviews with experts and challenges to take action that week. Every week we travel to a new ecological world:
Weekly challenges: every week we challenge you to take action according to your level. Test yourself and make a (bigger) positive impact!
Ask all your questions using the closed forum.
Your investment in lifelong knowledgeand fun experience is only €8 per module.

Jocelyn G.
Super interesting tips & tricks and stories from sustainable entrepreneurs. Very Inspiring.

Tine VH
Emilia makes it a very interesting and pleasant experience with a lot of inspiration to take with you. Recommended!

Lut M.
I really liked it: lots of useful information from the “insiders” themselves, attention to the “why”, presented in a fun way (dialogue, interaction) and the challenges to get started immediately!
Content 4 modules
Food and cuisine:One of thebiggest positive impactswe can make is through the foods we eat. There are the misconceptions that organic is expensive and that plant-based meals are boring or not nutritious enough. Boyana Duleva, manager of the new, organic and zero-waste shop Brüt by Färm shares tips & tricks about how you can make your current dietstep by step more eco-friendly (without radical changes), and of course enjoying every single meal.
Clothes and wardrobe:The fashion industry has an enormous ecological impact and it's not easy to recognize clothes made in respect with nature and workers. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_WeCo store, you'll learn how torecognizeandwhereto find eco and fair fashion, get aninsightin your own wardrobe and discover whatthe futureis bringing.
Skincare and the bathroom:Our skin is ourlargest organ and absorbswhat we put on it. Yet, to understand the ingredients list of skincare products, we almost need to have a degree in chemistry. Discoverhowto make your bathroom (even more) eco-friendly, tips to understandthe ingredient list, which certifications to pay attention to and whatslow cosmeticsis about. For this module I also invited Sophie Trenteseaux from Make Senz, a Brussels' natural skincare brand. Learn about herexpert tips & tricks.
urban innovation:One of our biggest challenges today is to provide qualitative food created ecologically, especially in areas that are highly populated. With less and less available farming ground, how can we provide great food for as many people as possible? How doesthe food of the futurelook like? You'll meet Anne Colonval from Urbi Leaf from Brussels, who offers one solution:urban, vertical farming or micro-vegetables.During this module you'll discover what it's all about!
With the support of Visit.Brussels and the Brussels-Capital Region.