Approach sustainable business program
This program is a collaboration with Axudo.
1. Intake (1h)
Discussion process tailored to your company.
5. Workshop action plan
based on established vision (4h)
Which actions do you want to take on as a company and as employees?
2. Inspiration session (2h)
Why sustainable business, best cases and useful tips & tricks for a sustainable lifestyle.
5. Wrap up meeting (2h)
The action plan is established, priorities and 'persons to act' are determined. You are ready to get started!
3. Workshop sustainable vision (4h)
What are you already doing? What are the challenges? Which world would you like to help create?
6. Follow-up (4h)
What are the results? What went well? What went less well? Determine actions to create further momentum.
For who is the sustainable business program?
You want to make a sustainable impact with your company and your employees?
You want to involve and engage your team. This crucial aspect is often overseen.
You want to make more than profit alone? Sustainable relationships with your employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the company?
You would like to work more sustainably, but you don't know where and how to get started?
You are overwhelmed with information and don't see the forest from the trees?

What can you expect?
We guide the evolution of your company towards a more sustainable company with concrete actions on short and long term.
We inspire the team on how they can also make a positive impact through their lifestyle and become ambassadors in the company (sustainable lifestyle)
Customization of the story you want to write. No ' one size fits all ', like other programs. The participating team members are at the wheel, determining the actions and persons to act.
Wat maakt dit duurzaam ondernemen traject uniek?
Andere trajecten focussen puur op een stappenplan, dit traject legt ook nog de focus op het engageren van de medewerkers zodat duurzaamheid werkelijk kan leven in de bedrijfscultuur.
Geen 'one size fits all' traject, wel een traject op maat, rekening houdend met jullie sector en bedrijfscultuur.
Geen theoretisch actieplan die alleen maar mooi lijk op papier. Wel een praktisch toepasbaar actieplan, zowel op korte als lange termijn.
Enthousiaste consultants met expertise in zowel duurzaam ondernemen, duurzaam leven alsook het bedrijfsleven. We geloven dat vooruitgang alleen mogelijk is met plezier in het proces.

Info or price quotation
Customized price offer from €7,500 excl vat.
Jocelijn Geurts
+32 486 68 36 56
Contact us for a custom quote or questions.