Discover the e-shop full of fair fashion & beauty:
View the make-up workshops and color and style services
Why do we recommend mAke?
Behind mAke is its owner Anke, who wants to make conscious choices accessible to everyone. In this way we can all contribute to a better world. At mAke you will not just find dresses and make-up. With mAke you can make a difference by consciously choosing sustainable, fair and natural products. In this e-shop you can find clothing from Maium, J-LAB3L, Rita Row and make-up from, among others, Neve cosmetics and Uoga Uoga.
You can also go here for advice and questions. For example, Anke organizes (online) make-up workshops to learn how to make up yourself in a minimum of time or discover which care products suit your type of skin. You can also have a color and style analyse carried out: a rejuvenation treatment by wearing the right colors, a boost for your self-confidence or discovery how to showcase your feminine shapes.
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